A prosperous future for California depends on a clean and efficient economy
About us
The California Business Alliance for a Clean Economy was created to amplify the business voice in support of policies to help move us toward cleaner energy, less dependence on petroleum, and to help us avoid the economic and social disruptions associated with climate change.
Join us
California businesses are joining together in historic numbers to support this vision. Join the Alliance and get involved today!
Over 1,000 Members
The Alliance is reaching out to businesses across the state to build support for a clean energy future in California.
California Means Business
California businesses are growing, expanding, and investing. Learn more about why our state is the 8th largest economy in the world.
“Small businesses throughout California have depended on the CBA for a Clean Economy to be a champion for smart energy policies.”
— Hank Ryan, Board Member and Former Executive Director, Small Business California

Contact us
Feel free to contact us with any questions.